So what are ways we can withstand?  Let’s break down the word withstand into two words, ‘with’ and ‘stand’
1 against, as in opposition or competition
1 to face or encounter
2 to take a position or place as indicated:
3 a determined policy, position, attitude, etc., taken or maintained:
4 a determined effort for or against something, esp. a final defensive effort
5 to endure or tolerate
6 to endure or undergo without harm or damage or without giving way
When we withstand, we must first decide on what our place will be; what will be our attitude towards a person or situation.  Then we must be determined to see it through and endure what ever comes your way.  I like the definition that says that to stand is to endure without harm or damage or without giving way.  Because when we withstand with the armor of God, no harm shall come to us.  But also keep in mind that we are to withstand and not run away from.  A lot of times, we run from situations that makes us uncomfortable or if it seems that it is not in our favor.  However James tells us to count this all joy, because there is a purpose as to why God would allow such an attack; so that He can strengthen us through our endurance making us whole, wanting nothing (contentment).  When we run from our problems we also loose on what God is trying to add into our lives. The only way to gain, is to go through it.
Ephesians 6 continues after this scripture with what the armor is.  But in summary, it will take truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and prayer.  When we keep in mind what tactics we are to use by studying the definitions, and put into practice what the armor represents, we will find ourselves withstanding everything.  Our jobs, our homes, our coworkers, our bosses, our family, our friends, strangers, our enemies, our trials, our tribulations, and our situations.