We ought to take the time each day to give Him thanks for the good days, and the bad days.  The ups, and the downs.  The storms and the sunshine.   Because no matter how it seems, we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

Some of us need some pruning to produce fruit.  Some of us need to lose so that we may gain in God.  Some of us need a wound exposed, so that we may be healed.  Some of us need to take some bitter medicine to correct a condition.   And some of us need to be pushed so that we can leave our comfort zones and enlarge our borders. Even the bad, can produce something good.  If we keep the right attitude, our altitude can be increased which is needed in us all, starting with me.  Because whether you like it or not, I got news for you…..Jesus is still alive, and He’s coming back for those who are prepared.  Some say it’s a few years, but we don’t know if it be before you can click on the next website after reading this.  So let’s clean the spots, and iron the wrinkles so that Christ can come to a temple that’s ready; a temple cleansed and prepared by His blood.

Just a brief nugget, and now I’m off to sleep.  May God watch over you all as you slumber, and may He speak to your hearts concerning His purpose.  Because truly there is a great work; a great harvest.  And the laborers are greatly needed.  That’s you and me, so let’s get busy and do what the Word of God says.  I love you and may you be blessed beyond belief!

His humble servant,
Brother Kelvin