I salute thee in the name of Jesus, who was, is, and is to come.  I greet you in love and pray that you are reading this in a state of His peace and joy.  I have been missing in action due to work, and it has been rewarding.  I work at a Children’s Hospital where we are opening new areas of a new building which is being erected.  It is such a blessing for a couple of reasons.  For one, people and businesses are coming left and right to give money towards the construction, and it was well spent.  I get misty eyed seeing how much is being dedicated towards a child’s healing as well as making their stay a comfortable one. I know that when I was in the hospital as a child, I never wanted to be there, whereas these kids never want to leave!

Next, during the dedication ceremony of a rehab wing, rehab patients did a performance, and during the performance they took turns getting up from a wheelchair.  And beyond that as I was spot checking equipment, I saw a child who was in a wheelchair WALKING!!!  My God. I get so much encouragement from these kids.  If I am not doing full time ministry, then this is what I want to do.  Something that when I lay my head down at night, I feel that I made an impact.

I encourage you; at your jobs, your homes, your community, or your church, do something to make an impact.  Don’t just have a presence, leave a presence.  Do something to help someone, do a random act of kindness.  Whatever you find your heart to do, do it as unto the Lord.  I promise you that not only is it a rewarding feeling, but God will reward you also.  Find an orphanage and visit.  Find a senior home and read a book.  Volunteer at your local hospital, especially a children’s hospital.  Hug your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, or whomever while you still have the chance.  Hug someone whom they would never expect you to. Fly across the country to visit that relative that you miss and have been thinking about.  Instead of asking, give.  Pray for your pastor.  Ask you Pastor what you can do for him instead.   And most importantly, ask God what you can do for Him!

YOU, yes I’m talking to You,  have a destiny inside of you; you have greatness in your that can impact somone and it was gifted to you by God.  Regardless of what you may have been told, you are an Impactor of God, so go forth and impact someone  somewhere.  Don’t let anything nor anyone try to stop you from achieving the greatness; the greatness that is already inside of you.

I pray that you prosper in His love and that you experience it in abundance; that your cup runneth over. May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life, and may you dwell in the House of the Lord forever.   I’ve been absent but you are all in my thoughts  and prayers.  And remember this question and I mean it from my heart no matter who you are and where you are, what is it that I can do for you?

I love you and Be blessed beyond belief!

His humbled servant,
Brother Kelvin