My heart was troubled after seeing the news a few days ago regarding the attack on the University in Kenya.  Let us lift prayers for the loved ones of those who lost their lives for being a Christian.  God reminded me of a scripture.  (Please read the entire chapter and please read this post in its entirety.)

Matthew 24: 6 “You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end is not yet.”

There is a lot taking place around the world, and truth is we cry “We are living in the end times”, but probably been crying that  for decades.  Read the entire chapter, as even Jesus stated that it was unknown when the end would come.  Our priority is to not allow our troubles to shake our focus.  Let us keep our focus on Jesus knowing that God is on the throne and our lives are in His hands. Overseas, Christians are being tested with their lives, and we pray for their strength as they stand for Jesus even if it cost them their lives.  My question for us (myself included) is that if it were us, would we stand or would we take the route of Peter and deny Christ to save ourselves?

What profits a man to gain the world and lose his soul? (Mark 8:36).  Our challenges here in America has been light compared to the Christians in other countries.  Having been in touch with Pastors across Africa, India, and the Philippines, I can tell you the ministry is a different challenge.  That is why I tend to cringe when we put more emphasis on how well dressed we are, or how well we danced in a well air conditioned building when people are hurting and in need of a Savior is Jesus.  My life was touched by Pastor Kellam Nyongesa of Kenya years ago when I saw a picture of his church.  A small building with no amenities.  His crusades were not on a private jet.  But by foot, a moped, or the likes.  I loved getting the reports of him going to another country and of hundreds of people giving their lives to Christ.  Yet here, we tend to have our focus on the wrong thing.  I applaud all the churches in America that are endeavoring to reach out and care for the community and fulfilling the commission Jesus gave us, to reach the lost and fill the Kingdom of God.

Right now one of our greatest challenges is businesses standing up for what they believe in, and losing their business and main source of income because they will not support LBGT.  A family bakery, closed, with several people out of jobs because of being sued successfully for their freedom of standing for what they believe in.  But when it came down to a choice, the chose to not compromise and chose to stand for God.  I am troubled that they lost everything, yet I applaud and am happy for the stand they took.  LGBT is driving America while the church stays silent. Politicians need their vote.  Celebrities need them to praise them, see their movies, purchase their books.  Entertainers need LGBT to buy their album, attend their concerts. How great we can influence America as Christians if we chose to voice our opinion and participate by voting? It’s past time for us to wake up and stand up; I’m speaking to Brother Kelvin.  For one person sparked prayer to be taken out of schools.  Then what can millions of Christians do together on one accord???  Turn to your neighbor and say “Give Brother Kelvin two more paragraphs.” 🙂

Should the day come to America that we have to choose life or death for Jesus, what would be your choice?  Don’t wait until the last moment to think about that.  Think about it now.  For when Jesus comes, and we don’t know when, it will be in the moment of a twinkling of an eye.  Like a thief in the night, we will never see it coming. Could be today, next week, next decade, or next century.  But don’t take that risk and take your life for granted for tomorrow is never promised. Many of us will pass away  before Jesus’ return.  Make your choice today.  As for me and my house, we choose to serve the Lord.

Thank you for your time and for reading.  May God bless you and I love you in Jesus’ name. Try not to be troubled over what you see happening around you.  I know its tough, because I feel the same way.  But I have to remind myself, that I trust God with my life.  Trust Him with yours too. Forget my title because we’re in this together as brothers and sisters. Now may the peace of God which passes all understanding guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus, Amen. I love you, but God’s love is best!!!!