Greetings to you,

I bring you greetings in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  The one who came, lived, was crucified, buried, and is risen!  I greet you with His love and compassion and pray that you are in good health, strength, and peace.  Of of my dear brothers sent me a message saying that I have been too quiet.  He’s right, and I am here to share some thoughts that ran through my mind as I prepared to write this blog.

As I prepared to give you an update on how busy things are, and of family that are ill, I began to think about ministry. See, I am not in full-time ministry yet, but know that day will come soon.  But for now, the job I have, I know that I am there for a reason. There are things I’ve learned and experienced that has been wonderful and has helped me continue to grow and mature in God. There are many times that He has used me to diffuse situations, prevent conflict, encourage, develop, and instill peace in the midst of tension and strife.  This all being done on top of all the projects and work that is currently required of our team.

So I was going to talk about that, when I began to think… come that doesn’t happen in the church?  This is not true to all churches and ministries, but in some that I have been in, how come there is no team or even just an individual who will seek problem resolution in the church?  What is done when Sis. Jenkins doesn’t want to sit on the same pugh as Sis. Williams because of conflict, but both want to shout Hallelujah hecomeinahonda?  How do we handle Pastor Pope who gave Sis. Lovejoy a little ‘extra’ laying of hands?   How do we handle the keyboard player that can play like an extreme pro, yet, he is not saved?  How do we handle the person that wears the same clothes every Sunday, not realizing that he or she barely has money to eat, and definitely can’t but more clothes?   How do we handle the rumor mill and the gossip circuit? I’ve been in churches, where the speaker feels it necessary to take the latest juicy story that is circulating around the church and make it his or her sermon.  But if there is no dispelling of the rumor, a plea to squash the gossip, or a scriptural life application we can use to change, then all that sermon accomplished was making sure that now the entire church knows the story.