We all go through seasonal changes, but it’s where we are in God that determines how we will experience the season.  You and I could both be in a season of receiving, but what you receive and what I receive may be a different experience.  Likewise, you could be in a season of receiving, but don’t receive because you are not in the right position.  Think about times where you may have called someone in the same city saying that it’s raining, and they tell you that where they are is sunshine and dry.  Same city, same clouds, different experience because you are in a different position.  Likewise, sometimes we get out of position, and it seems like we are in a season of loosing, when actually we are in a season of getting.  (Ecclesiastes 3:6).  But the reason why we don’t experience our season is because we are not in the right position.

Word Wealth: Position
po·si·tion (p-zshn)   n.

  1. A place or location.
  2. The right or appropriate place:
  3. A strategic area occupied by members of a force:
  4. The way in which something is placed:
  5. The arrangement of body parts; posture:
  6. An advantageous place or location:
  7. A situation as it relates to the surrounding circumstances:
  8. A point of view or attitude on a certain question:
  9. Social standing or status; rank.