Be encouraged. Do you ever feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers? Or, maybe you’re in a situation that you don’t feel that you are worthy to Go before God? You never know who could be praying for you and with you. I know there has been times that someone will just pop into my mind, both people I know and people I’ve never met, and will pray for them. And likewise has there been times in my life, that something will happen and later find out that someone was praying for the situation I was in.
God made us this promise…that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. And if we be His children, if we be friends of Christ, we have nothing to worry about. Because Christ will mediate between you and God to make things happen in your life. But don’t be discouraged when it does not manifest instantaneously. Be patient, be still, and know. You never know, you could be reading this right now and could be the person I prayed for last night. You could have been the person that appeared in my dream that caused me to wake up and pray.