Today, I take off my titles, I lay down all of who I think I am, as well as who I know I am. I wear the hat as your brother making a call to you. To you, the Pastor, the Teacher, the Evangelist, the Prophet, the Apostle, the Missionary, the Usher, the Choir member, the Custodian, the Secretary…whomever you are, wherever you are, take a stand for Christ.
As we read the accounts of Christ’s life, we find a point in which he had hundreds of disciples. But the more He began to reveal the stark reality behind holy living, we find that number dwindled greatly. Before He left dwelling the earth in flesh, Jesus gave us this message; to expect to go through the same persecution as He did. The way He was talked about, the way He was falsely accused, the way He was sought after to be torn down, we are to expect the same. We often share with each other that when people talk about you while you are living right, it gives you an indication that you are on the right path. But it seems that when it comes to ministry, we do not share the same feeling. So we change our views in the attempt to keep everyone liking us and coming back for more.
When Christ taught of eating of the flesh, and drinking of His blood, we see the result in John 6:66 “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” Had Christ watered down His message in order to keep the same multitude of disciples around Him, would we have an accurate account of the truth as to how we are to live and pursue our relationship with God? No. We would only have half the truth, and when we do this to satisfy man, we are only giving half of what they need. In these last days, it is time for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If someone walks away, at least they walk away knowing the truth!